EMEA Young Sport Photographer
of the Year
Alex Pantling
“This category is immensely important, not just to me personally, but for the future of our team. Working closely with this talented group of young photographers over a number of years has been incredibly rewarding. Alex’s winning portfolio showcases his outstanding attitude and determination to be a leader in the field. His work not only demonstrates his technical skill behind the lens but also his creativity and deep understanding of the sports he photographs. I am proud to see the diverse influences in the work of all those who entered this category, and it is inspiring to see the young photographers supported and guided by our team of photographers, editors, and assignment editors who nurture their potential. Congratulations to George Wood and Lewis Storey for their second and third place portfolios. The quality of their portolios was so high that it was nearly impossible to distinguish between them. This truly reflects the remarkable talent of our young photographers.”