EMEA Best Produced Piece

of the Year


Rosie McArthur


William Connolly


Mark Case


This piece stood out from the rest not only for it’s incredible story telling but also the skilful execution. The tremendous amount of archive material and content that needed to be sifted through in order to work out the narrative to tell the story of not only the event and day of 911 but also how it has continued to have an impact on all of us twenty years on is exceptional. From production to editing, this piece tells not only the facts but the deep emotion as well. Expertly done from key voice overs, editing, text and music that all work together seamlessly together, it gives me chills every time I watch it.
— Christina Malucelli, Global Video

‘911: 20 Years on’

2nd Place

Mark Case


Rosie McArthur


‘Operation Desert Storm: 30 Years On’

3rd Place

Rosie McArther


William Connolly


Rishan Pithwa



‘UK Black History Month Trailblazers’